My life Since 2003
  • COPPA’s Amended Rules and Your Kids

    COPPA’s Amended Rules and Your Kids

    I feel like I’m constantly asked, “When is the right age for my child to get [insert social media app name]? The answer is really simple: Thirteen. Why? The Federal Trade Commission says so in a law that governs every social media app and online service. The law is called the Child Online Privacy Protection…

  • I’m Still Here

    I’m Still Here

    It’s 2016. Duh. But I started on this journey in 1994. Whoa. How many people can say that they set out to join a profession at 17 that they are still in at 39? Not just ministry-types… adults, in general? Not that many. Looking back at it now I see three waypoints that have me…

  • I Got Sick in Haiti But You Should Still Go

    I Got Sick in Haiti But You Should Still Go

    I was accidentally prophetic. In February I wrote a post called Zika and Haiti and Why You Should Still Go: This is the great advantage of working with the local church in Haiti through Praying Pelican Missions. You will be the guest of local ministry leaders, people who are living with zika every day, who will…

  • Where Are Our Heroes?

    Where Are Our Heroes?

    A youth worker from Arizona posted in a Facebook group: Do you any of you carry during youth events? Concealed or open? A shocking number of practicing ministers responded affirmatively. They carry a gun while working with teenagers. A minister of the Good News of Jesus Christ standing before his flock armed with a loaded…

  • Nest Protect Review

    Nest Protect Review

    This is my third review of Nest products. (A Google company) Also see my reviews of the Nest Thermostat & Nest Cam Becoming a homeowner has unleashed something deep inside. We went from 7+ years of renting across the street, where we barely locked our doors or thought about where we lived much, to wanting…

  • Just Make Progress

    Just Make Progress

    I’m normally a “get stuff done” kind of person. Early in my career I had an attitude that it didn’t matter what you tossed at me, I was going to get it done on time or early no matter what. Over the past several months I’ve not been able to keep up that pace. At…

  • Goosebumps


    In August we will have lived in San Diego for eight years, making it the longest place Kristen and I will have lived in our adult lives. (Chicago, 1994 – 2002; Romeo, 2003 – 2008) While we’ve fallen in love with and great enjoyed everywhere we’ve lived… there’s just something special about San Diego. While…

  • Apple TV review

    Apple TV review

    Last week I mounted a TV in the Tiny Office, connecting it to the new edition of the Apple TV. The previous edition of the Apple TV has been the backbone of our cord cutting efforts and while I did also purchase a Smart TV with Roku built-in for the house, my exclusive Mac usage in…

  • Two new things from The Youth Cartel

    Two new things from The Youth Cartel

    In between work on the the Tiny Office and March Madness we’ve been busy releasing cool stuff over at The Youth Cartel. Finding Jesus in the Old Testament Eric Ballard Official description…  It can be difficult—at a glance—to reconcile the Jesus we see in the New Testament with much of the Old Testament. But when we…

  • Is Pietism Good News in a Post-Christian Context?

    Is Pietism Good News in a Post-Christian Context?

    I posted some thoughts on Twitter this morning that I think deserve some unpacking, if even for myself. The Inciting Question When you live a religious life worth living people will want to know more. Is the way you live Good News? — Adam McLane (@mclanea) March 13, 2016 There is a central, driving question…