Category: Social Action

  • The view from the other side of the fence

    “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” The New Colossus Seeing these words painted in protest on the newly built, hugely fortified border fence in Playas de…

  • In the Ghetto

    Oh Elvis. How I’m intrigued by your social commentary. Wanna talk about ghetto? That suit is ghetto fabulous. Any pimp on El Cajon Boulevard would pay $500 for that. 

  • Support Freely in Hope on Sevenly

    Meeting Nikole Lim and learning about her organization, Freely in Hope, was one of my highlights of 2011. We all know that storytelling is a powerful medium for moving people to action. Nikole’s eye for this is exhibited beautifully in her short film, While Women Weep. The film threads together the stories of several African…

  • The worldwide leader in…

    I’ve been a college sports fan my whole life. It’s safe to say there has never been a time like this. Never. Ever. Ever. One by one the most trusted names in college sports are having the skeletons removed from their closet and broadcast on national news. Jim Tressel, the squeaky clean football coach in…

  • The high cost of tomatoes

    Source: Science Friday – August 26th 2011 I love tomatoes. They are a seasonal treat I grow in my garden. At the peak of the growing season we were getting 50+ per week from our garden. Key word: Seasonal. Americans have no concept of seasonal food. We want what we want 12 months per year…

  • What is Happening in Alabama? This video is shocking. It makes me wonder, “Have the people of Alabama learned anything from the civil rights movement?” Here’s the full content of the law. Listen carefully to the statement. They have taken the Arizona law and added to it more stringent requirements. Essentially, you have to provide a state issued ID…

  • Ashley Judd – Children are not for sex

    Powerful stuff. I hope change is underway in Georgia. GenerateHope is an organization which helps reach out to women who have been sexually trafficked into San Diego County. As Ms. Judd points out, its more common that you’d like to think.

  • Steps of Justice

    If you haven’t yet checked out the Steps of Justice 30-Day Prayer guide you are really missing out. What I like about the guide is that it isn’t just something to read and put down. It’s an action guide. It raises your awareness, leads you to prayer, then gets you doing something about it. It’s…

  • Worth fighting for

    The last few days I’ve been following the story of Shaun King, an Atlanta church planter and friend of YS, who recently discovered his former boss & pastor has admittedly molested and raped some children.* After doing some further research Shaun learned that other church leaders were aware of the situation but remained silent. Not…

  • Tunisia, Facebook, Privacy, and Freedom

    Most youth workers have developed a Facebook apologetic. That is to say, they know how to respond and argue for Facebook usage to engage with and interact with their students. One component of Facebook, which causes heart palpitations for adults, is that it is a place of dissidence and venting. And the motivating reason that…