Tag: education
School Choice Matters
For families living in the City of San Diego, today marks the opening for the School Choice application. Here’s why school choice matters, especially for the poor.
4 Outside of the Box Program Ideas for Youth Ministry
Here’s 5 ideas that are outside of the norm for youth group. (Nothing wrong with traditional youth group, just sharing ideas.) My hope is that these ideas will spark you to create programs that your community actually needs as opposed to building your ministry purely on a combination of felt need & what you experienced…
Understanding Advent in 2 Minutes
ht to Bob Carlton
If Sunday morning is about teaching…
Then how are you measuring what people are learning? As a youth worker I’m always aware of leakage in my teaching. That is, the difference between what I am teaching and what learners are learning. There is a naughty little educational word called “retention” we need to deal with. If there isn’t, what is the…
What is worship?
A youth worker in Minnesota asked me to share my definition of worship with her as part of a lesson she’s preparing for her youth group. I thought it’d be fun to post my response to her (with her permission) for a couple of reasons. I hadn’t thought about it like this before. I like…
Baby-god Myth: Part three
Children were not always worshipped as the gods of the American family. In part three of this series, lets examine the effects of the Baby-god myth on parents and teenagers. You can catch-up by reading part one & two. School vs. Work In fact, for most of our nations history we didn’t keep track of…
Should pastors be formally educated?
It’s becoming increasingly popular in large churches for pastoral staff positions to be filled with people trained in business skills and not ministry skills. (i.e. They’ve got the title “pastor” and all the perks that go with it, without going to Bible College or Seminary.) Let me know what you think about that trend. Vote…
All Californians are Liberals
This is one of those urban legends I’ve heard a lot of since moving to California. And I have to admit, this is one of those things that people in the Midwest say about California that drives me a little batty. California is a blue state. That is true. I am not a political historian…
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