Tag: Politics

  • When adults tell the truth

    I’m glad I took the time this morning to watch this video. A couple of my friends shared it, and I didn’t know what it’d be about, but I want to encourage readers of my blog to make the 12 minutes to hear Joel Burns story. Bullying really is a big deal in the lives…

  • The Disadvantaged White Protestant Straight Males

    (Yes, the title of  this post is sensationalistic. But it got you to read it, right?) All of my life I’ve grown up with versions of this phrase, “Don’t judge someone by their color, race, ethnicity, gender, or religion– judge them by their character and abilities.” I grew up in a college town, with the…

  • A Failing Battle to Fight Foreclosure

    This headline caught my attention this morning: Ten months ago President Obama announced a $75 billion program to keep as many as four million Americans in their homes by persuading banks to renegotiate their mortgages. Lenders have accepted more than one million applications and cut three-month trial deals with 759,000 homeowners. But they have converted…

  • Bill Clinton is Like Moses

    For months there have been efforts to release two journalists arrested in North Korea. They were there to document the humanitarian nightmare that is North Korea when they were picked up and detained. One can assume that the United States has tried for months to secure their release. The two journalists likely found themselves used…

  • Understocked

    HT to xkcd

  • Christians and Gun Control

    Christians and Gun Control

    Many evangelicals find themselves on the wrong side of the gun control debate. Christians have no biblical justification for owning a weapon, yet believe it to be a right to own one.

  • The battle of Guantanamo

    I suppose I’m just naive. With nearly every state clamoring about a loss of jobs why aren’t more states raising their hands and saying, “Yes, we’d like those detainees in my state. Give us the money to build the prison and we’ll house them forever.” Actually, Colorado is asking for them. If I’m Jennifer Granholm,…

  • Obama at Notre Dame

    What do I think about Barack Obama speaking at Notre Dame’s commencement? I think it is awesome! While I wasn’t fortunate enough to attend Notre Dame, I did grow up around the campus… spending more than my fair share of time trespassing and dreaming that I could go there. As the largest employer in my…

  • When your leader won’t leave…

    The impeachment of Rod Blagojevich is an interesting case for church leaders. What do you do if a former leader refuses to leave? In Rod’s case, the facts of the matter don’t matter nearly as much as the soundbyte. Whether or not he was really selling Obama’s senate spot is unclear. But what was clear…

  • Presidential Perspective

    I’m as excited about the Obama presidency as everyone else seems to be. But I have to say… all of the hype about Obama kind of scares me. I thought it would be good, 24 hours before Barack Obama kicks off the biggest party in Washington D.C.’s history, to reflect back 8 years to throw…