Category: Web/Tech

  • Blackle

    I saw this on an old high school friends Facebook. Sorry Sharna, you aren’t really old… but you are an old friend. It’s called "Blackle" and it’s a Google alternative that is essentially Google with a different style sheet. The theory is that by making the screen black/gray that the combined monitor energy savings will…

  • YouVersion Alpha Test

    I’ve gotten a sneak peek at‘s new Bible resource called YouVersion.  (To see full-sized screenshots, click on the images) Just in my initial look at their alpha test there are some features that are absolutely going to revolutionize how some people read/use the Bible online. As a Web 2.0 junkie… let me highlight what…

  • Pet Peeve: Church websites that don’t have addresses

    I spend a fair amount of time on a monthly basis looking around church websites. Such as, if I am looking at someone’s blog and I don’t know them and they have a link to their church… I’ll click on it. Here’s my pet peeve: Put your church’s mailing address somewhere easy to find! You’d…

  • Pfttlwbwbwbwbwb… and things that change the game

    It’s been one of those weeks. And I still have mountains of stuff to do for this weekend. Yesterday I talked about goals and benchmarks. It was funny because I worked hard on a benchmark thing that will make the new mucho better than the existing church website. Unfortunately, that benchmark took more than…

  • I’ve been busy today

    What I’m about to say won’t sound too impressive. But I’ve spent most of this week, today especially, moving church websites to our new webhost. Here are two that area completely on a new host. I’d tell you to update your feed readers… but no one had subscribed to them. If you’ve been to…

  • 3 Free Tools for Your New Website

    “I just signed up for hosting, now what do I do?” This is a common question that we receive at YMX Hosting, so we’re happy to help you turn your dream of a self-hosted blog or youth ministry site into a reality. The best thing is that if you are willing to learn you can…

  • My only iPhone post this month

    I promise to not talk too much about the iPhone. It’s got some pluses and minuses. And the simple fact is that while I would love one if it were free, I will never make enough money to justify getting one. (Unless it were for resale alone.) That said, I do know one person in…

  • Lappy go poo poo

    It finally broke. The little connector thing that connects my laptop to the wall busted. I tried to repair it and it ended up shattered in several large chunks. $42 dollars later at the store and I’ll have a new one in the next 24-48 hours. And yes, I said this to Paul and…

  • New stuff is in the air

    There must be something in the summer air that has got me going… but there are all sorts of things swirling around my head. Sometimes I pray "stupid prayers" to God. I asked Him to take what I’m doing and blow it up for you. Maybe that meant "destroy" or maybe that meant "make it…

  • Seen this? UnSpun by Amazon

    There is a lot of this ranking stuff popping up on the web. I love this use of technology. Very cool… web 2.0 strikes again.