How to Be Alone

This was beautiful. I’m thankful I found it.

I’m an introvert caught in an extroverts life. Fortunately, I’m married to a fellow introvert. And we dream about simple things… like taking vacations places where we can walk in silence and be alone. Where we are free to explore and discover. And where we take the time to just be.

I find the Spirit’s voice loudest and my mind most alert when I make the time to be alone.

Weird, isn’t it?






5 responses to “How to Be Alone”

  1. jay sauser Avatar

    I would describe myself as more of an introvert, but I hate going to the movies by myself!

  2. Becky Avatar

    I love this! Thanks for sharing it. 🙂

  3. abby Avatar

    adam… saw this a while back. i too am an introvert. but i have been told, by official-psychocoligical-type-people, that i have great extraverted skills! in fact, many are shocked to discover that i am an introvert. it’s not weird that about where the Spirit’s voice is loudest for you… i really believe that He meets us where we are at. in fact, because of His desire for us to be totally His, He will often encourage us with His voice being the loudest in the places where will be most receptive.
    thanks, again adam!

  4. Shannon Avatar

    I like this one too.

    What I have, personally, come to realize is that when I had issues of being alone and hated the fact that my day wasn’t caught up in endless time with people I was usually very self conscious and afraid that I wasn’t good enough. Now that I have embraced the down time and the time when nobody is around, it’s FABULOUS!

    I also find I hear God’s voice easier than when I surround myself with people. And He doesn’t have to compete so hard for my attention.

  5. Jennifer Avatar

    Me too! I totally identify with “introvert caught in an extrovert’s life”. People assume I’m extroverted, but I’m really quite introverted. I tell people that’s how good I am at faking it. I take different things from time with people and time with myself. I need both, but I feel I need the latter much more.

    My best conversations with God are when I’m in the car (long drive by myself) and in the shower (also solo – ha ha).

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