NY Times Article on Housing Allowances

A YMX forumite posted a link to this NY Times article called, "Religion-Based Tax Breaks: Housing to Paychecks to Books"

I think the article accurately described the issue. In fact, this is a clearer presentation of what pastors and ministry leaders can get exempt from than I’ve seen anywhere else. The rules and limits have changed a few times in the past several years so I actually appreciate that aspect of the article.

As someone who lives in the tax world described, I’ll just say that it’s no bed of roses. I would gladly switch back to "regular employee" status to avoid the paperwork, quarterly payments, and tax filing nightmares which may be saving me a total of $1000 per year. (Or less!)

The article seems to be bringing to light the inequity of the tax-break. It argues that non-religious non-profit workers, teachers, and child care workers are also underpaid in society and deserve similar tax breaks. I don’t know how I feel about that. I think doing so with so many people would devastate the IRS and ultimately raise taxes for everyone. If you ask me, I’m all for the elimination of the IRS and a flat sales tax on everything.



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