Printable Lent Signs

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This week we taught our kids about lent. So now that lent has begun, we wanted to make sure that we kept the long 40 days in front of us.

With that in mind I made some sweet signs to hang up around the house. That way, if we see someone cheating we can kindly remind them of their commitment to fast from the thing we have chosen as we prepare, as a family, for Easter.

If you’d like to download your own sign, I’ve added both a generic pdf and the original Photoshop files to my free downloads page. (Click the image below)

[download id=”14″]

For the record, here is what our family is giving up:

  • Megan – Reading in bed
  • Paul – Creamy peanut butter
  • Jackson – Everything but milk
  • Dad – Carbonated beverages
  • Mom – Twitter
  • Stoney (dog) – Chasing Lovely
  • Lovely (cat) – Bringing rodents in the house
  • Radicate (hamster) – Hiding treats



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6 responses to “Printable Lent Signs”

  1. Bradley Buhro Avatar

    Let me know how well Stoney, Lovely and Radicate mind the signs. 😉
    Our children have given up drinks except milk and water, television, nintendo DS and computer games (not all together, but each has given up one of those). Never thought to impose the practice on our pets…

    I pray that your family will be strengthened as you observe Lent this year! Thanks for sharing your journey with us.

  2. Becky Avatar

    Thanks for the challenge, Adam! My family decided as a whole to give up tv and movies. Is it cheating to have unplugged the tv?

    1. adam mclane Avatar

      Ha! I think that helps tons. It’s not like we are going to try to temp our kids! And I won’t be buying soda just for fun… 🙂

  3. Becky Avatar

    Perfect! 🙂

  4. Matt C. Avatar
    Matt C.

    Josh Kimble has a great post about Lent:

    I really like his idea of “trading and adding, instead of subtracting and missing.”

  5. adam mclane Avatar

    @matt- great link. And I love the idea of trading vs. giving something up.

    I think one way in which lent makes sense to me is that it is kind of perfect for kids. (At least our kids at this age.) To sacrifice something they love… WOW. That’s really hard for them. They aren’t sure that they can live. So I love that its teaching on lent in a kinesthetic kind of way that words just didn’t get to.

    What do you think? Trading vs. Giving Up in light of dev psych?

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