A couple weekends ago I told Megan and Paul to get in the car, we were going on a secret adventure.
Anticipation in the car was high. Were we going for ice cream? Was dad taking us to a movie? Were we going to buy new video games?
All were possibilities. But none were realities.
Dad’s plan– Spend an hour at Barnes & Noble picking out books.
“I thought you were taking us on an adventure, dad. This sucks.” Those were the words of my 8 year old son as we entered the store.
I explained, “You need to take your brain on a non-digital adventure. And books can take you there.” Every time they picked up a book it was tied to a video game or cartoon. “Non-digital adventure. Longer, older, think about the classics.” They complained, “I don’t want to read an old book. I want to read something new. New stuff is good, old stuff is boring.”
In the end we made a compromise. They could each pick out whatever book they wanted. And dad picked out two books for them. (The first two books in the Narnia series.)
Megan took the compromise. Paul didn’t pick out a book and went home empty handed on principle.
I went home and planned our camping trip– A non-digital adventure of the mind, body, and soul.
Besides restricting use, what are ways you help your kids take their brain on non-digital adventures?
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