Category: Christian Living

  • A Problem in the Garden

    A Problem in the Garden

    San Diego County has two growing seasons, the problem this year is that plant life hasn’t quite figured out which season we’re in yet.

  • The Cost of Silence

    The Cost of Silence

  • Beloved


    So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. Philippians 2:12-13, NASB Silent exhale. Deep inhale. Breathe through your nose.…

  • Stepping in Poop

    Stepping in Poop

    As a gardener and dog owner poop is part of life.

  • Thank you to the Christian Leaders Speaking Out

    Thank you to the Christian Leaders Speaking Out

    Thank you to the Christian leaders who are speaking out and taking risks to do so. I see you and I appreciate what you are doing. Keep going.

  • My Response to Attempts to Twist Gun Control into a Conversation About Abortion

    A question posted to my Facebook wall solicited this response. Again, shared here to bring light on the GOP’s illusion of a “Pro-Life” agenda.  My question to you and many others is this – Why are we not fighting against abortion clinics and against those who support abortion the same way many are fighting against…

  • Another Rant on Christians and Guns

    Note: Sometimes I feel like I shouting into the wind. No one seems to care. But it breaks my heart to hear the response of so-called Christian leaders to mass shootings be the idea that they should arm themselves. Here’s what I posted on Twitter, added here for saving. Thread:

  • Hobby Lobby, The Music Man, We Got Trouble

    Hobby Lobby, The Music Man, We Got Trouble

    Like everyone else I was shocked by the news that Hobby Lobby, a privately owned company whose owners successfully challenged the Affordable Care Act mandate that their health insurance cover birth control on grounds that they are a closely held owned company driven by Christian morality, got caught smuggling Iraqi antiquities into the United States.

  • Waste


    Earlier this week I wrote about the journey we are on in our household to bring a dead place back to life. Want to know a crazy by-product of this process? A dramatic decrease in waste. 

  • Bringing It Back to Life

    Bringing It Back to Life

    We bought our house about 18 months ago. But the house wasn’t new to us since we’d lived across the street for 7 years prior to buying it. It’d been a rental for about 20 years prior to our buying it. And for 7 years we watched as people moved in, people moved out, sometimes…