Category: family

  • Naming Conventions: Cultural and Family Considerations for Naming a Child

    Naming a child is a big deal. Especially since there is a high likelihood they will be stuck with it the rest of their lives. In an ideal situation a person’s name is one of the top three or four things that they build their lifelong identity around. (Gender, faith, culture, to name a few…

  • Time Lapse Video: Backyard Hummingbirds

    A few weeks ago we hung this little hummingbird feeder. We were amazed to discover that the hummingbirds (who nest in a tree in our backyard) discovered it within hours. Maybe it makes me sound old or stupid? But I don’t care. I love watching these amazing creatures in my backyard. And I love watching…

  • Daddy Days

    This weekend, Kristen is off to Chicago with Erin for a girls getaway. Since I’m traveling a little over 1/5th of 2010, she certainly earned some time to herself. Kristen’s definition of a girls weekend is Thursday afternoon to midnight on Monday. I like her style. As we compared notes leading up to this trip…

  • Halloween Success

    My little trick or treaters, waiting for go time., originally uploaded by mclanea. It’d been a couple of years since I have been home for Halloween. So, I was thrilled when the kids informed me that I was taking them trick-or-treating and Kristen was going to stay home and hand out candy. They quickly covered…

  • Time to move in

    Kristen and I had a realization a couple weeks back: We’ve lived in this house nearly two years and, in some ways, we never moved in. There are a lot of boxes in the garage filled with stuff we don’t need, but never took the time to toss or give away. Since we moved into…

  • Of BluRay and Websites

    It’s been a fun week. It’s been a crazy productive week. Not only in my work life, but also in some fun stuff at home. Our garden continues to bring us joy as well as an over-abundance of fresh produce. And the recent egg recall has only solidified our desire to get a few chickens…

  • Kristen is Blogging Again

    Yup, Kristen has got her blog going again. I know she plans on talking more about our families shift to an organic lifestyle, gardening, shell hunting, and fun stuff for our kids. Kristen was a pretty successful mom-blogger when that fad was hot. She got burnt out with all the free product people sent us…

  • Date night with the kids

    Kristen hosted a girls night for the ladies of our community group. So Paul, Megan, and I disappeared and went to see Toy Story 3. One thing I haven’t adjusted to about Southern California living is how expensive the movies are. I still grimace at paying $11.50 for an adult and $8.50 for a child…

  • Paul’s Birthday Present

  • Big Surprise Headed Our Way!

    We are both surprised and stoked to be expecting our third child this February. No ideas on a name yet. But rest assured that we will buy the URL. Pray for us. Especially, Megan and Paul.