Category: illustrations

  • growth in the midst of change

    So Sunday I woke up a little discouraged. Not discouraged like I don’t want to do life anymore… more like I am tired and I don’t see the point on moving forward just yet… I need more rest. Over the last few weeks I’ve been praying that God would move me. Not move me geographically……

  • Paris Burning: Liberalism in Action

    You mean 50 years of racisim and having policies that restrict who can be a citizen really is bad? Huh… amazing that things in France are so bad. [Read Story]

  • Snow balls, fist fights, and Rocky IV

    As a kid growing up I had the pleasure of walking to school. This isn’t one of those "I walked 15 miles uphill both ways" type of stories, but truthfully it was about a mile for me to walk to school. For the most part, I have happy and uneventful memories of walking to school.…

  • picking fights

    Occasionally, my daughter will pick a fight with me. It’s kind of funny since she’s only 3, but she really does pick fights with me. Not the physical type, just what I call the "pissing contest." She will try to get her way. Even though she will know fully that I have no intention on…

  • waiting

    I hate to wait. It drives me insane when you are supposed to meet someone and they are late. It event makes me a little miffed if the person isn’t a little early for the meeting. Why? I could get all freudian and say it has to do with repressed anger at a parent or…