My life Since 2003
  • Should I get my kid a smartphone?

    Should I get my kid a smartphone?

    A few weeks back my church hosted a screening of the film, Screenagers. Afterwards I was part of a panel that helped parents process the movie plus answer questions about social media use in the home. The crux of the entire documentary was this exchange between the mom and her teenage daughter: Mom: “How can you…

  • Coaching Newer Youth Workers

    Coaching Newer Youth Workers

    Historically, youth ministry has always been a young adults game. For many their first foray into working on staff at a church/parachurch, or even a first real professional job of any kind, comes with a call to youth ministry. As I’ve gone to youth ministry conferences and youth pastor meet-ups over the years they always seem dominated…

  • Applying Tuning In Principles in the Local Church

    My new book, Tuning In: Six Ways to Get Your Life Back from Technology comes out on April 12th. But the content in the book has been leaking out in my discussions with church leaders over the last several months. I’m really passionate about helping people find some health in their lives and ministries when…

  • Are You Ready for a Technology Tune-Up?

    Are You Ready for a Technology Tune-Up?

    In the following pages, you’ll discover a series of essays which deal with everyday challenges you and I face as a direct result of technology. I believe that most of these challenges and bad habits creeping into our daily lives are happening because none of us made a careful and conscious decision to allow technology…

  • (Less) sex, (less) drugs, and the smartphone

    (Less) sex, (less) drugs, and the smartphone

    New research is suggesting that married couples are having less sex than in the past. New research is suggesting teenagers are abusing fewer substances. Both studies point to the smartphone as a possible reason: The smartphone. When looking only at married people, the drop was even sharper — from around 73 times a year in 1990 to…

  • Why I Wrote Tuning In

    Why I Wrote Tuning In

    “So, why did you write this book?” Here’s two things you need to know right off the bat.

  • Dear Neglected Blog Readers

    Dear neglected blog readers, I’ve not forgotten you. I love you. I’m thankful for your patience. I’m hitting the final stages for the launch of my new book, Tuning In: Six Ways to Reclaim Your Life from Technology. It’s a book five years in the making, I love it and I think you will, too. It’s…

  • I can’t wait for the new book to come out!

    I can’t wait for the new book to come out!

    As my new still nameless book makes it’s way through the editorial process I am getting more and more excited for a few specific reasons: It’s the book I had to write, not the book the market was demanding I write. I’ve not done well over 100 parent workshops and along the way I’ve learned that…

  • Wemo Mini Smart Plug Review

    Wemo Mini Smart Plug Review

    The Tiny Office is great. But, at it’s core, it is a shed. And even though it’s well insulated it gains and loses heat quickly which means that during harsh San Diego winters, with lows nearing 40 degrees, you need a little heat. And during the summer you need a little A/C. The problem? The…

  • Leadership is Local

    Leadership is Local

    The grave danger is to disown our neighbors. When we do so, we deny their humanity and our own humanity without realizing it; we deny ourselves, and we deny the most important Commandments of Jesus. Herein lies the danger, the dehumanization. But here we also find an opportunity: that the light of the love of…