My life Since 2003
Parents, you’re doing fine
Bruce’s Facebook post really got to me because I’ve experienced the same thing. People have directly or indirectly told us we’re not doing a good job as parents. And it hurts.
Untangling Terms to Understand Growing Your Church
Admittedly, I sit in a weird seat. I’m former church staff so I totally get the realities of what it’s like to lead a congregation. But my vantage point is now from the pews, volunteering where I can and cheerleading the best I can. All-too-often I can see things that I wish people working for…
What are you thankful for?
So far, 2016 has been a survival year. Broken bones, Zika, break-ins, bullet holes, school drama, the works! And with all the external chaos it feels like 2016 is coming in for a hard landing. So, friends, I’m asking… what are you thankful for in 2016? Inspire me.
From Lament to Action – Tangible Ways to Get Involved
It’s been a week since the internet lost it’s mind with the outcome of the presidential election. I’ll readily admit that I’m still shocked about the outcome the same way I am when I see ads on TV for the online dating website I mean really, this is a thing? And I certainly understood…
Talking to Our Kids about Race and Ethnicity
I wish this were isolated. I really wish it were. On Wednesday, an incident occurred on campus a mile from my house that’s being investigated as a hate crime against a Muslim woman: At approximately 2:28 p.m. today, a San Diego State student was the victim of a strong arm robbery in Parking Lot #12.…
Go to Haiti with Me in 2017
I’ve been going to Haiti a few times per year since 2010. With each trip my convictions are re-enforced: The Holy Spirit is on the move in Haiti. When you go with a heart to serve, you are filled more than you can give. The church is exploding in growth as communities see the church…
Why We Progress
Sometimes life gives you glimpses of cultural progress. I got one of them yesterday. In a Facebook group I’m part of a youth worker posted this question: Any suggestions on how to handle homosexual or bisexual relationships in the group. We have a new attendee that I want to be careful with teaching in love…
What is this election teaching us about us?
If this election cycle has has revealed anything about the current state of the church it’s these two things: We’ve taught people what we think at the expense of how to think. We’ve confused felt needs for our needs. How did we get here? Full disclosure. You’re not seeing a 2,000 word rant about why…