Tag: sarcasm

  • Ten Top 10 Lists I Don’t Want to See to End 2010

    Top 10 places you made out with your smoking hot wife. I know she’s a stone cold fox. But keep your special sauce under wraps, OK? Top 10 iPhone apps you used on the can. There’s a good chance your #1 app while making a #2 is Angry Birds. Oh, the irony. Top 10 Christian…

  • 5 Ways to Make Soccer More Exciting for Television

    Yada. Yada. Yada. There are those who think that soccer is an amazing game for watching on television. But for the other 95.7% of Americans I have five ideas for making it more palatable to the American market. Make goals worth 7 points. We get that. A game that ends in 1-0 seems pointless. But…

  • To Kill a Mockingbird

    Our house has a mockingbird problem. I want to kill this mockingbird. Harper Lee may have already written this book. But let me tell you that a lobotomy will never do. It is not severe enough. The only acceptable punishment for being a mockingbird is death. See, the mockingbird who calls our yard home, is…

  • The Guilt Trip

    Perhaps I am the only sick mind who has wondered if I could get away with a speech like this when taking the offering? And maybe I’m just a little passive-aggressive when it comes to offerings? If the ushers could please come forward for the morning offering. The offering is a time when the people…

  • Is it OK to talk about fasting?

    Is it OK to talk about fasting?

    A former student of mine posed a question on the Fast Tuesday groups discussion board that I thought was pretty interesting. I think there are differing opinions about Jesus’ instructions. She said, “Aren’t you supposed to fast in private?”

  • Statement of the Obvious Headlines

    I spend some time every day reading the latest stuff on adolescent research, teen marketing, etc. And sometimes stories pop-up and you think… did someone really think this was a revealing something that a everyone didn’t already know? Here are two recent examples: #1. Teen Brains Damaged by Heavy Marijuana Use — Didn’t this researcher…