Spring Break: The Movie

Film CameraIn Romeo, Spring Break starts today after school. And for the first time during my tenure at Romeo I will not be leading a group of high school students to Chicago to work with Inner City Impact.

This creates new opportunities. Several families from Light Force are headed down to Florida to escape the prolonged winter. But the rest of us are not! And so when students started asking me, “What are we going to do over Spring Break?” I really started scratching my head… this is the first Spring Break in the last 7 years I’ve not had a mission trip, so I really have no idea what to do!

Now Filming: 10 Things I Did While My Friends Were in Florida
Next Wednesday, I have invited any student who wants to meet me at the church at 10:00 AM. From there we are going to brainstorm 10 scenes of a short movie that we’ll shoot later in the morning. As we’ll have all day to do this, the geographical boundaries are the Metro area… so I’m guessing we’re headed to the city, a couple Metroparks, a mall or two, a Taco Bell or two, and some other random places. From there, we’ll head back and edit our movie, drop some titles and effects on it and publish it to YouTube.

I love unleashing adolescent creativity! I am positive that they have better video ideas than I do. Of course, in order to get to the good ideas you have to get past the initial creative desire to burn stuff, blow something up, jump off things, or otherwise break the law!





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