My life Since 2003
  • The Villain in My Own Story

    The Villain in My Own Story

    Here’s something coaching others has taught me: We’re often as much our own villain as we are our own hero.

  • 25-0, Aztec Fever Spreads

    25-0, Aztec Fever Spreads

    On Monday, I asked Kristen what she thought we should do about the Aztec game on Tuesday night since it was scheduled to tip at 8:00 PM, Jackson’s bed time. You’ve got a streak going. It’s for a championship. And it’s New Mexico. He has a minimum day on Wednesday, he can catch up on…

  • Your role in media manipulation

    Your role in media manipulation

    I’ve been trying to figure out a way to talk about this. Do you find this helpful? Leave me a comment to tell me what you think. What I’m trying to get people to understand is that they are being manipulated by their impulse to respond. If you just ignore Person A, they have no…

  • These Divided States of America

    These Divided States of America

    Back in the day [really it was less than 10 years ago] I spent a lot of time talking about and helping The Marin Foundation. A question I’ve been asking myself lately is, “What can I take from that experience to apply to what’s happening in our country today?”

  • Learning a Language in Your 40s

    Learning a Language in Your 40s

    I wish I’d paid attention in middle school. I wish I’d paid attention in high school. I wish I’d paid attention in college.

  • Why is there No Shade?

    Why is there No Shade?

    I live on a block with virtually no shade on the street. There are 22 houses and only 3 have a shade tree in the front yard.

  • Trading Magic Wands for Work Boots

    Trading Magic Wands for Work Boots

    Have you ever noticed how easy problems are to solve for people who aren’t involved?

  • Aztec Fever

    Aztec Fever

    Objectively speaking, we’re the best team in the country. I’ll fight you on that.

  • Don’t forget the yeast

    Don’t forget the yeast

    A couple years back I was watching a cooking show on Netflix that talked about making sourdough breads. (Among other things) And in section of the show talking about making sourdoughs breads I learned something really interesting: You don’t need a sourdough starter… you can make your own.

  • Map Bros

    Map Bros

    Two teams are undefeated. And two fan bases are bonding over their shared undefeated streak.