Tag: dreams

  • Our Journey to Ahwahnee

    Our Journey to Ahwahnee

    Last night, I sat on the porch of our century old workshop enjoying the timeless cool, evening breeze. The sun filtered through our towering pine trees. We sat in the silence with only the birds and mosquitoes as background music.

  • How Dreams Come True

    If chasing dreams is the folly of youth I want to be forever young.  I’m chasing some dreams right now. I’m unashamed about it. For too long I sat on them, taking little action in their pursuit or even allowing myself the mental capacity to dream about these dreams. Perhaps I was convinced they weren’t…

  • Too big to fail

    “Too big to fail” is a colloquial term in describing certain financial institutions which are so large and so interconnected that their failure will be disastrous to the economy, and which therefore must be supported by government when they face difficulty. ~ Wikipedia Since the mid-1980’s the federal government has mandated that some banks are so…

  • To be like Joseph

    Mr. Insignificant You don’t get much more insignificant in a family of 12 than being number 11. As the 11th born you aren’t the baby of the family. And in this case you aren’t even the last baby boy. You are just number 11 with an abundant allotment of big brothers. Joseph was an insignificant…

  • Discover something brand new

    One of the biggest lies floating around is that there is nothing new under the sun. That’s only true if your name is God. But God is creative and He has shown us before that He can create something brand new whenever He wants. (Genesis 1) Yes, Ecclesiastes 1:9 does say, “there is nothing new…

  • Wanted: Dream Chasers

    My favorite story in the Bible, hands down, is that of Joseph. I’ve read Genesis 37-50 about 100 times. It never gets old! From the first reading of the story until today, I’ve always wanted to be like Joseph. Dream on, dreamer! Take it from this dreamer… dreams do come true. May God grant you the…

  • When Dreamer, When?

    In the cold dark morning of my day my soul cries for new days, new songs, new delights. I wonder where the dreamers are dreaming this morning. My heart weeps in disdain for a time and place lost. It lives in my sleep; it dies in my schedule. Such a place feels real but the…

  • To the mountaintop

    I’m a dreamer. I like to dream big dreams for myself. But I really like to dream big dreams for the students in our ministry. So when Kathy gave me the opportunity to paint a big picture and ask big questions as we start off this Fall in our high school ministry, I jumped at…

  • 3 Documentaries Worth Watching

    I love documentaries. I think it’s the non-fiction narrative that gets me. But given the choice between a feature film and a documentary, I’ll take a documentary every time. Now that we have NetFlix streaming through our Wii, (and Hulu has lots of great ones completely for free) I’m getting the opportunity to catch-up on…

  • “I don’t have any dreams”

    Just a little reminder from my son that the job of passing on from father to son doesn’t happen by osmosis. Deep exhale. Of course, I looked at this and watched Dr. King’s speech– yup, Dr. King’s dream was for his kids. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbUtL_0vAJk