Category: Web/Tech

  • Welcome to WP 2.5

    Yesterday we upgraded the blog to WordPress 2.5. While things on the front side of my blog look the same, everything looks different for me on the back end of it. I’m looking forward to playing with it and making it my slave as I get time to play with it. For now, it’s all…

  • Computer Issues

    Just to prove that I am not immune to technology problems, hear my tale. Yesterday I was doing normal work stuff… had open Word, iTunes, iChat, and Mail. Then iTunes started freaking out. Then it spread and Mail wouldn’t work right. I did a reboot and a few other normal Mac fixes. Long story short,…

  • Plus 4 on Twitter

    Like a lot of people, I’ve gotten used to the quirkiness that is Twitter. (what is twitter?) It’s kind of cool to connect with people in 140 characters or less. Follow me. One measurement tool that I use when looking at someone who wants me to follow them is their ratio between followers and following.…

  • Zloop: Is this the next social network?

    Last night I had the chance to talk to Brent Myers, an evangelist for Zloop. Zloop is a new social network that is built around two general concepts: Security. Your “loops” are private to whom you invite. Mimics real life. You can control which loops see which side of you. If you are looking for…

  • Twitter takes off in Youth Ministry

    In the last two weeks Twitter has gotten extremely popular among Youth Ministry people. The two biggest Youth Ministry companies, Youth Specialties and Simply Youth Ministry put their Twitter accounts in this weeks newsletter. (YMX was ahead of them by a couple months on this one!) And it seems like every youth pastor around is…

  • God of this City | Animated Video

    Man, I wish I knew how to do this. I love what we can do… but sometimes you look at this stuff and go… WOW. This is something a church created for their worship services. Amazing.

  • Twitter in Plain English

    This does a way better job than I could to explain what Twitter is and how it works. Let me invite you to follow me on twitter.

  • Our Vision for Our Community

    I’ve had this video ready for a couple of weeks. Below is a description video for our churches vision. Since I already had a couple of people ask me how I made the video, here are the details. – Obviously, the animation is from Google Earth. I set up the points as a tour and…

  • Why the Twitter Fad will Quickly Fade

    I use Twitter a little bit. You can find my Twitter page right here, follow me if you’d like. But I don’t think Twitter will last long. Sure everyone is talking about how cool it is. And all the cool kids are posting tweets from a desktop application or the internet or with text messages…

  • Websites of the Candidates: Who is Winning?

    Back in January I wrote this: The winner of the 2008 election will be the candidate who captivates the American people’s attention with ideas, uses the internet the best, and can prove that they can/will lead the American people. As someone who sees the power of the internet on a daily basis, my opinion is…